Community Guidelines

We are committed to cultivating a safe and inclusive community where everyone feels respected and supported. Bullying, sexual harassment, and trolling will not be tolerated in any form. If a user receives a strike or ban from an open group, it may result in an eventual ban across all groups they belong to.

We believe in the importance of personal agency, and users are free to leave a group at any time without the need for justification. Open spaces that consistently exhibit low community health scores will be closed, ensuring a positive and nurturing environment for all.

Deriding anyone for their participation or non-participation in a group is strictly prohibited. Participation should always be a voluntary and willing exercise. Only moderators are allowed to gently encourage users to participate, and moderation duties will be rotated among active group participants.

To ensure clear and secure communication, we encourage users to limit their interactions to the app. We continuously strive to enhance the app's communication tools to provide the best experience for the community.

At Goalspaces, we celebrate not only goal achievements but also the effort and progress made toward positive habits. We understand that developing positive habits is just as valuable as completing goals.

Users can join groups based on key demographics, not to promote elitism, but to facilitate safer and more meaningful connections with like-minded individuals.
Above all, we promote respect and kindness. We do not tolerate any form of racism within our community. Together, let's create a space where everyone can thrive and grow, united by the pursuit of personal development and shared accomplishments.

Copyright © 2024 GOALSPACES LLC.